Friday, December 19, 2008

T Minus...and Counting

Here is your song Becca! We can't wait to see everyone!

Over I-70 and through the snow
to Grandma's house they go.
They'll start at twilight
and drive through the night
to make it here by Saturday!

Over the mountains and through the passes
to Grandma's house they go.
They have books on CD
and some great DVD's
to help pass the 18 hour drive!

Over the week and into Christmas
at Grandma's house they'll stay.
We'll play all day long
and talk all night long
until our fun is done!

Over to Kansas and through the flat lands
to another Grandma's house they go.
We'll cry when leave
and we'll try not to grieve
the fun week we all just shared!

1 comment:

Naomi Haverland said...

That's awesome!!! Have you taken up song writing?! I want a song... I know I have a shorter drive... but I still want a song!