Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sad Saturday

As I sit in my very quiet and still house on this sunny Saturday, I find my attitude is not as sunny. I am not sure if I woke up on the wrong side of the bed or if it was certain monkey climbing in my side of the bed at 7:30 AM. Maybe it was the 20 minutes wrestling match that took place while the monkey was getting comfortable. Although I am pretty sure it could have been the fact that the monkey woke up with more energy than I will ever know or have in my lifetime. I was not wanting to feed the monkey any breakfasting fearing I might add fuel to the energy fire that was already burning out of control. Before I could come a decision my WONDERFUL husband took note of my poor choice in attitudes and offered to take the monkey with him on some errands. It was almost too much for my awful attitude as tears started to fill my eyes. So now I am off to enjoy shower and while I wash my body I plan to wash my attitude as well. Goodbye Sad Saturday.... Hello Starting over Saturday!


Sara said...

I send you a hug to help you along the way :)

The AB club said...

I know what you needed, a sister shopping Saturday. Hopefully one day we'll live close enough for that.

Naomi Haverland said...

I hope your Saturday got better. I would like to join you on the sister shopping day.